My Mind and Body Resilience Foundations

As someone who’s practiced yoga and self care for over 25 years, I find so much value in the discipline it brings me – the mental and physical alignment and agility, as well as how it focuses my mind, brings me a sense of calm. To continue this practice it has to shift – we…

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Lightbulb moments

Today I had one of those amazing YES!! moments. It happened during a first session with a new client. Half way through she let me know how good she already felt to be working with me, how much freer she felt in both body and mind, and how she couldn’t wait to continue with the…

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Are ease and flow flowing right past you?

Are ease and flow flowing right past you? When we’re overwhelmed and life is just too much, we go into survival mode – trying to make it to the next day. The eternal “it’ll calm down after next week”, but we all know too well, that isn’t the case. What we’re missing is ease and…

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And, breathe…

As a yoga and life coach I know all about the importance of breath. Something seemingly so simple and effortless, we do it without thinking, but how often do we truly breathe? I’ve been reading a wonderful book called ‘The New Science of a Lost Art’ by James Nestor. Have you heard of it? Maybe you’ve even…

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 – Anxiety

Anxiety is something that affects us all. It can be something as, seemingly, small as being nervous about starting something new, or as big as overwhelming anxiety about a big part of your life that holds you back from making change. Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 is focusing on anxiety and the impact on our…

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What to do when menopause starts hitting hard

We’re all looking for answers in this time of change, everything is overwhelming… what do we do? Firstly, please don’t suffer in silence! Don’t assume your symptoms are something else. They could well not be your other life circumstances, divorce, money, feeling challenged at work or your relationships. They might be impacting your wellbeing, but…

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How can Yoga and Coaching help realign your life…

Awareness Much like everything in life, it starts with awareness. Yoga brings your mind and body to a place of exploration, gratitude and focus. You’re able to gain clarity, to see things clearly, from a place where you can make changes in your life. Coaching isn’t too dissimilar. We look at the possibility in your…

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Join Varvara for private yoga in the heart of Lymington

In case we haven’t met, I’m Varvara a Wellness and Life Coach for Professional Mid-life Woman and Mums, based in Hampshire. As life-long yoga participant I thought I would be an interesting to share with you what I love about being a yoga coach. Why do I love to teach Yoga..? Much like the different…

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